What is Docker and How to used.
What is Docker and Containerization
Container is like a virtual Machine
Docker is tool which create this V.M.
What is Virtualization : -
It is the technic of spitting a physical Resources into as many logical resources as e want eg CPU, Memory, or virtualizations is a technology that transform hardware into software
Difference between Docker , EC2(cloud), and Docker Container
is a peace of software and firmware that create and run virtual machine . Hyper is something also called a virtual machine.
Hypervisor is a type 1
Docker is an open source centralization platform design to create deploy and run application.
Hardware level virtualization :-
used host hardware and reserve a memory and hardware
O.S level virtualization :-
used host os for creating virtualization
Important notes:-
Docker used Docker hub for polling os image only 5% and 95% used a host operating system that's why docker is lightweight.